Friday, July 28, 2006


There is so much to say
So much to remember
We met.
Strange circumstances
But we met nonetheless

….I miss you….

Looks were exchanged
Cars drove by
Baseball was played
Downtown brilliantly lit
But time…it stood still
Oh, so still

….I miss you….

It ended almost as soon as it began
At least that’s how it felt
Such a connection
What a night

….I miss you….

The hours flew
And we talked
And talked
Non-stop really
So much to say
So much to share
So much to learn

….I miss you….

It was a dream come true
Something I never thought could happen
I thought I had found you
My soul mate…
Too strong a word perhaps…

….I miss you….

Time passed
Too quickly
I didn’t have the time
To say everything I should have
Everything I was dying to say

….I miss you….

Time has passed again
Not quite so quickly
Not slow, just not the same
Things have happened

….I miss you….


….I miss you….

I can’t forget
I don’t know why
I still care
I don’t know why
I’d still come
I don’t know why

….I miss you still….

Photo/poem: jbrandick

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